Harry Domanski

About Me


As you read in the introduction, I am a computer science student studying at university in the UK. My course is rather broad and covers topics such as analysing algorithms all the way through to cyber security. My final year of study will be the 2022-2023 academic year.

Skills and Interests

I have a GitHub page that contains some of the projects I have been working on, although that is rather bare at the moment. Recently, I’ve been mostly focused on setting up various Linux systems (such as where this website is hosted), this cannot really be documented through a Git repository. Once I start developing more complete projects, I will put them on my public GitHub page, for now though I host a private git server where I can store my projects on my own accord.

As a list, I would consider myself proficient in the following:

I want to dive into more topics though in more depth though, such as Bash Scripting, learning GoLang, and increasing my knowledge of Linux and its capabilities.